We are in contact with about half of the Oconomowoc High School Class of 1975.
Despite Emails and Facebook posts, the following classmates remain out of contact. We are committed to do what we – and you – can do to reach out to all so they know they are remembered.
Read the list. Check your contact list or address book and give your pal a poke.
Stress to them, whether or not they plan to attend the August 1-2 50th Class Reunion,
please Update Me with current contact information.
We are at the point in our lives where we want to know if our classmate, our locker mate,
is still rattling around doing great things in this world.
Deborah Antoniak Gerardo Arambillete Cindy Atherton Fortmann Patti “PJ” Atkinson Billing William Baker Steve Beguhn Donald Belt Robert Beyersdorf Betty Birzer Rick Blackley John Block Sheryl Bollmeier Lissa Bouzide Gilaty Scott Brown Mary Brunner Wilhelm William Brunner Daryl Burchardt Tim Burns David Buss Karen Carpenter Donald Caya Bruce Chamberlain Gregg Chapman Kaye Chatfield David Claude James Connolly Gregory Cox Dale Davidson Bert Davy Guy Derge Larry Dew Leslie Dodd Scott Drollinger Candis Druley Henes Ed Ennis Rebecca Eske Uecker Kirsten Fink John Frank Mark Fredrick Dina Gagliano VanPelt Kathryn Gallauer Langer James Garcia Stephen Gibes Michael Giese Thomas Gillingham Pamela Goff Warner Jose Goni Nancy Grimm Ehli Deanna Grulke Bence Lauren Grunewald Brenda Guenterberg Christian Michael Hackbarth Kathy Hacker Penwell Terry Hagen David Hagstrom Debbie Hamme Stacey Roy Hanson Linda Harklau Kathy Hartman Linscott Mark Hartman Kathleen Hasslinger Purtell Marcy Hasslinger Burditt Mark Hasslinger Steven Heiman Bryan Herbes Karen Hicks Schwellinger Timothy Hight Walt Hlaban Mary Lee Hoeft Vance Paul Holtan Debra Holzbauer Jon A. Hoppe Richard Huegli Ellen Humphrey Deubler Mark Huston | Karey Iding W. Keith Jackson Michelle Jeffries Mary Johnson Robert Johnson Christine R. Jones Patrick Kasten David Kaun Brian Kirkpatrick Steve Kleinhans Mark Klosky Ron Kluft Allison Koerner Kenneth Kopiness Kenneth Kosma Michael Krueger Gerald Kucken Dan Kueht Curtis Laabs Larry Langer Maribeth Lemkuil Weissenborn Jeannie Lewis Morando Perry Lindquist Jeff Loppnow Mark Loppnow Jeff Lyle Robert Maas Dale Mallow Grace Malone Lenz Katherine Mark Judith Marks Baker Kathleen Marks Voight Cheryl Marohn Gerou Michael Marquardt Greg Martin Robert Mass Donna Matanich Sutliss Cheryl McCoy Caren Meyer Jean Miller Funke Jeff Milner Martin Minogue Jerry Morgan Janet Morris Thomas Mount Anna Nebel Reimer Steve Neff Karen Neitzel Dan Nerhaugen Mary Jo Nettesheim Flanagan Sue Neu Kristine Neumann Lon Neumann Steve Niere Karen Noel Kaun Ron Noel David Nold Mike Nowak Phyllis Nufer Kathleen Nye Altensay Kim Nygaard Colleen O’Brien Gloria Onasch Timothy Pace Patricia Pappas Milka Patty Pesicek Porter James Peters David Peterson Michael Phillips Dean Pinnt Dean Plante Deborah Plymesser Latzke Herman Pokelwald | James Raasch Johathan Radtke William C. Reitz Tom Retzlaff Tom Reynolds Tara Richards Gayle Rode Donna Rogers Marhofke Kathleen Rogers Glen Ronke Steve Rothe Douglas Rupnow Daniel Schafer Spencer Craig Schantz Kevin Schindler Diane Schlieve McCormack John Schneider Gary Schroeder Rebecca Schultz Kubehl Robin Shane Judkins Mary Sidders Gucinski Jerome Simonis Sherry Smiley Salinero Edward Smith Annie Smoot Lucke Ralph Sorenson Gary Southcott Jim Spransy Ruth Stein Flannery Robert Stetz Lynn Stilp Berg Michael Stremke Linda Strommen Mark Sweeting Scott Tetting Marcia Tetzlaff Bray Cyndi Thurow Counsell Jeanine Thurow Burge Karen Tickner Jeff Todd Patricia Trainor Phalon Darlene Turley John Twenge Connie Umland Matola Ted Vallis Debbie Van Minsel Zabel Diane Vaughn Marco Aurelio Gomes Veado Scott Vilter Liza Vogt Hagemo Michael Wagner Cindy Walsh Tiffany Scott Walsh Elaine Washington Boldt Jeannie Watson Marcia Watson Jeff Weber Rob Weber Ronald Wegner Rick Weide Christine Werth Franz Brian Whelan Charles Williams Penny Wincapaw Schultz Geriann Winter Haines Keith Wischer DuWayne Wittnebel Julie Zastrow Birr Susan Zastrow Johnson Jeffrey Zautner Joel Ziebelman Judy Zuehlke Neal Zwieg |